A proverb is a short | simple | insightful pithy saying that expresses a perceived truth | piece of advice based on common sense or experience — they are often metaphorical.
- If it’s not an obvious YES, it’s a NO!…I have found this to be the case more times than not when reflecting back on “life & business situations” that I have encountered.
- You are your OWN BRAND… “always be you”!
- LIFE is about finding & having PURPOSE during your lifetime… it’s not about if you will run out of money.
- Your career is about the name on the “BACK” of your jersey, not the “FRONT”!
- The business world is about ONE thing… having an “unfair advantage.”
- Be Brief. Be Bright. Be Gone. (Dennis Clark – a former boss @ Schwab)
- The meaning of life is in the “DASH”!
- Coach me. Challenge Me. Believe in Me.
- Marriage is 100% – 100%… “in giving-we receive” – by each spouse offering 100% of themselves to their spouse & marriage, they each in return receive 200%.
- THRIVE as a person & with others… train | hope | rise | innovate | venture | elevate.
- Leaders Eat Last… Leadership is an Expression, not a Possession.
- Followership… lost art — its ok to not be a leader & follow – even leaders follow (Deuteronomy 13:4)
- Management vs Leadership… one is more about doing “stuff | one is more about who you’re being.
- Good to Great?… there is a GAP, so you have to be willing to leave Good to be Great (BOOK – Jim Collins)
- Stories are not the beauty of what did happen — they are the beauty of what could happen… Dream Big | Work Hard | Stay Humble.
- Happiness vs Fulfillment… one comes from “what” we do – the other comes from “why” we do it.
- Be “the Only”… be original!
- Want a GREAT life? Wants vs Choices… your choices must rule over your wants. (Brian Kight)
- “Never lose the moon while counting the stars”… never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you and misses you.
- Focus on your own crayons… someone else will always have more — compare yourself to your previous self – not others.
- Great Negotiators are “authentic”… is a state of being – not a skill & it is important to understand the distinction between the two. (Cory Kupfer – Author)
- Stay Hungry. Always Hustle. Be Humble… these are disciplined “habits”.
- “Make your Bed”!… start each morning with a completed task – positive mindset – little things that can change your life. (BOOK – Retired Naval Adm. William McRaven)
- Be Where your “feet” are… present | grounded | thriving. (BOOK – Scott O’Neil)
- GRIT… it is a mindset. (Hebrews 10:36)
- Keep “choppin’ wood”… it’s ok not see results today, keep chopping for tomorrow.
- Discipline is a “personal choice”… Do the work! (Brian Kight)
- Employ your “gifts” | stretch your “talents”… you are born with both – DNA – it’s up to you on what to do with them both.
- Be a “Purple Cow”… no reason to be average – instead be remarkable! (BOOK – Seth Godin)
- Nice Ride… making meaningful | intentional connections.
- Sales = Influence… no one has ever changed the world without moving people.
- DMGB – Doesn’t Matter, Get Better… it is always up to you try to be the best you can be – better than yesterday. (Brian Kight)
- Be YOU… your objective is professional | your “journey” is always personal. (Brian Kight)
- NUDGE… appreciate the people in your life who don’t judge – rather “nudge” you in the right direction.
- ATTITUDE is more important than skills… skills can be taught – attitude is inside you already.
- Under New Management… if I am honest, I have left most of the jobs over my career due to me needing a different “Leader” to take me to my next level.
- Be the BEST version of YOU… living authentically every day.
- Never settle… you can control kindness – effort – passion.
- “Fear of Failure”… is the fear of ending up exactly where you are right now.
- E+R=O (Event+Response=Outcome)… I do not control events or people | I DO control my response-attitude-actions-words | I create outcomes-results-impact-consequences-experiences, but I don’t control them. (Tim & Brian Kight)
- Winner stays… no need for participation trophies or ribbons.
- Storytelling… don’t just tell — take people there.
- Tomorrow is not promised & today is slipping away… so don’t let today slip away. (Proverbs 27:1)
- Don’t be afraid to get big… do not worry about your outcome. (Paul Attwood – former coworker)
- You cannot out exercise a poor diet… regular physical activity & good dietary habits go hand in hand. (my wife)
- Don’t be a dick!… life is too short to be a self-serving individual.
- Better Never Stops… not giving up – giving it everything you’re got – no one will out work you.
- Be INTENTIONAL… living each day intentionally is powerful for you and the others in your life.
- Be PRESENT… focus on the NOW – “Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday”. (Dale Carnegie – Author)
- “Why would you ever wake up every morning and want to be AVERAGE?” (Robert Ekoniak – 25 yr. Retired US Navy SEAL)
- Success in life is defined by YOU & YOUR relationship | experiences… it is not defined by others.
- “It’s not how fast you row, it’s what boat you’re on.”… it’s not always about how hard you work, but the team you are on-with and the product-service you are selling — that’s the boat! (Warren Buffett)